Goals for Week #1672

This is the first time I’m doing one of these. And I’m doing it at 1:30 AM because I drank way too much coffee today and didn’t really think about it. Going to try to avoid that in the future.

I’d like to dedicate time every Sunday to do some planning and goal-setting. Luckily, for this week it will be pretty simple. The major, over-arching goal is: I just want to follow my schedule. I don’t even need to do it well or accomplish anything. Just use the time I’ve set aside for each activity. However slowly, however poorly.

On the productive side, I’d like to:

  1. Get at least one sentence written in a short story
  2. Decide on a programming project to sink some time into

I’m keeping the “productive” goals as easy possible (just need to do something, anything!). And even those are… stretch goals? The important thing is the schedule.

And remember: don’t shortchange tomorrow for some extra time today. Consistency is everything, and that’s what I should be focusing on.